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On November 4, 2019, the United States informed the custodian of its withdrawal from the agreement, which will take effect exactly one year after that date. [30] Jennifer Duggan, `China makes Carbon Pledge Ahead of Paris Climate Change Summit`, The Guardian, 30 June 2015, . Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, climate analysts have argued that the initial commitments made by more than 185 countries are not enough to meet the agreement`s climate change goals. That`s true, but partly from a design point of view. The agreement was first structured so that countries buy and then increase their ambitions at five-year intervals; 2020 is the deadline for the first round of more influential climate plans. Article 9 of the agreement provides that developed countries “provide financial resources to assist contracting parties in developing countries in mitigation and adaptation efforts.” It also encourages developed countries to “take the lead in mobilizing climate finance from a wide range of sources, instruments and channels and notes the important role of public funds” and notes that “mobilization of climate finance should be a development that goes beyond previous efforts.” [3] Tuhin Dutta, `India Hails Climate Pact, Says Could Have Been Better`, India West, 15 December 2015, .  Council of State, China policy and measures to combat climate change (Beijing: Information Office of the State Council of the People`s Republic of China, 2008), with 46, . It has actively collaborated with foreign governments, mainly on environmental projects: editor, supra note 18. The agreement does not specify the amount of aid India will receive or the measures it will need to take to obtain aid. [3] I have negotiated the language of international agreements, resolutions and joint declarations.

I know that China and India are serious about international climate protection. But every quarterback chair or back seat driven by the remaining skeptics, who dare to say that Paris is suspicious because the big developing countries issuers are not serious, can be dismantled this week. We do not need an open statement. We need a concrete commitment that countries will strengthen their domestic policy ambitions on the timetable for the 2020 Paris Agreement, the ultimate answer to `no`s.  G. Ananthakrishnan, “China, Russia, Venezuela and the Arab States support the Paris Agreement,” The Hindu, December 13, 2015, .

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